Rockwool on-line calculator

Our company has created a new on-line calculator to calculate the necessary thickness of insulation and evaluating the economic efficiency of the installation. Calculator is specially designed so that its use was as simple as possible and understandable for private consumers, while providing the flexibility, speed and exceptional functionality of a professional. To do this, the calculator has two modes: «Step by Step» and «professional.»

To obtain the results you need to specify a region where there is a building, enter the parameters of the house (number of floors, size), denoted insulated construction. The result is a recommendation on the use of specific materials for the insulation of the required number and thickness, as well as calculation of economic benefits of insulation Rockwool in rubles. The user can adjust the thickness of insulation in the up or down from the recommended and select the desired level of savings.

A copy of the calculator can be absolutely free of charge to any interested posted on the internet resources. On this issue, please contact our manager.

ROCKWOOL Company is pleased to offer this handy tool to their customers and clients. We are confident that you will enjoy and appreciate the practical benefits of its application.
