Environmental policy of the Rockwool Group

Rockwool has its own environmental policy. In accordance with her all the Group entities have the following obligations:

  • conduct an environmental analysis of all planned projects;
  • to have an environmental management system and continually improve it;
  • not to create environment problems;
  • comply with the requirements of regulatory bodies;
  • maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders — customers, regulators, investors, employees, suppliers and local residents — in order to ensure compliance with environmental requirements;
  • through the Department of Environmental Groups to carry out checks on businesses to assist in activities aimed at protecting the environment.

Rockwool Group support programs for energy conservation, taking part in projects for the reconstruction and construction of energy efficient («passive») buildings. Shipped worldwide production company is making its contribution to energy conservation and the prevention of global climate change.

Maintenance of buildings accounts for about 40% of all energy used. We know that through the use of high-quality thermal insulation materials for thermal insulation are reduced to 90% of the cost of energy used to operate the facilities. After upgrading the buildings in accordance with modern standards of energy consumption, we can also provide a tenfold reduction in CO2 emissions on a global scale.

Insulation Rockwool Лайт Баттс, sold this year, during his service will prevent the release of more than 200 million tonnes of CO2. Investing in insulation for hot pipes can be returned in less than a day — a return greater than the energy spent more than 10 000 times.

Since 2005, the Russian division of Rockwool cooperating with the Russian subsidiary of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in the program for the prevention of global climate change.
