Production technology of rock wool academics borrowed from nature itself. In observations of volcanic eruptions on the Hawaiian Islands were discovered fiber material having excellent properties and is suitable for use as insulation. The new material consisting of rock fibers formed under certain conditions, when combined with hot lava rocks cool air. Scientists have realized the potential of this discovery, as the fiber strength and durability combined with the insulating properties of stone wool. In addition, due to the chaotic arrangement of stone wool fibers (in the horizontal and vertical direction at different angles to each other) insulation ROCKWOOL has unique characteristics.
The high thermal insulation capacity
The use of materials of stone wool ROCKWOOL to create a comfortable environment inside the building — good to keep warm in winter and cool in summer.
Thermal insulation materials should be compared to the calculated coefficients, since the thermal conductivity in the dry state for different materials can be the same. The estimated coefficients of thermal insulation ROCKWOOL — one of the best in its class (0,039-0,045 W / mK). That is, articles of stone wool ROCKWOOL have high insulating properties.
At elevated temperatures, product specifications, rock wool are very high. With this stone wool products manufactured by ROCKWOOL may prevent not only the spread of fire and high temperatures, but also to protect structures from combustible materials.
Fire protection
Stone fiber material capable of withstanding, without melting, the temperature above 1000 ° C. At that time, as the binder is evaporated at a temperature of 250 ° C, the fibers remain intact, interconnected, while maintaining its strength and providing protection from fire.
ROCKWOOL products are non-combustible material (fire danger class KM0). This property allows the fires to prevent the spread of flame, and at a certain time delay the destruction of the supporting structures of buildings.
With absolute fire safety insulation materials ROCKWOOL used in buildings of all types and purposes: and in one-storey cottages, and high-rise buildings, including pre-school and educational institution that is subject to the hanging terbovaniya fire safety.
Resistance to deformation
This is primarily the lack of shrinkage throughout the useful life of the material. Resistance to mechanical stress — is also very important characteristic of thermal insulation. If the material is not able to maintain the required thickness by mechanical action, its insulating properties are lost. Some of the fibers of our material is positioned vertically, resulting in the overall structure has a certain direction, which ensures high rigidity of the insulating material.
Due to its structure — the open porous structure — Stone wool has excellent acoustic properties: improves air soundproof rooms, sound-absorbing properties of the structure, reducing reverberation time and, thus, reduces the sound level of noise in neighboring premises.
Water repellency and vapor permeability
Stone wool ROCKWOOL has excellent water-repellent properties, which, together with excellent water vapor permeability allows you to easily and effectively remove a couple of buildings and structures on the street.
These properties allow you to create a favorable climate of the internal space, as well as the whole construction in general and in particular the insulation work in the dry state. As is known, the moisture conducts heat well. Getting into the insulating material, it fills the air pores. In this heat-shielding properties of the wet material markedly worse. And the moisture that gets on the surface of the material ROCKWOOL, does not penetrate the thick of it, so it stays dry and retains its high thermal insulation properties.
Environmentally friendly
Thermal insulation — one of the few commercial products have a positive impact on the environment. It significantly reduces the energy consumption required for the industrial process and content of the building in a warm or cold. During operation of energy saving insulation ROCKWOOL 100 times more than it spent on the production, processing and transportation.